Glad you're here!
While we watched the movie, we'd occasionally stop it and ask about the differences between the scene just viewed and the book. The first person with the correct answer would receive a small bag of gummy bears representing Emmett Cullen. They would also be able to hold the gorgeous pillow with Edward Cullen's photo printed onto it that Angie made. If, during the movie, you pointed out any additional differences, then you could steal the pillow. That was so much fun! The person holding the pillow at the end of the game got to keep it.
Our final game revolved around the food at the party. As stated before, the food was all character based. Each guest was given a blank list where thirteen characters and their corresponding foods could be written down. The person with the most correct answers would win the grand prize of a black scarf made by Cami. The person with the least correct got stuck with a box of Newtons.
(this was pasted to a package of Fig Newtons)
More examples of Twilight related food (keep scrolling for the entire list):
(this was wrapped around a bottle of Dr. Pepper)
Here is the awesome Twilight cake our friend Tiffany did to represent Alice Cullen
One of our guests, Crystal was our big prize winner, snatching up both the Edward pillow and the scarf, but she surpised us, by showing us this amazing Jane cape she made to wear to the New Moon premier. She didn't use a pattern at all.
Amazing! We'll have to keep an eye on Crystal's creations!
Happy Twilight!! Come back tomorrow for a movie necklace tutorial (we're wearing ours, if you look closely).
(that's Anisa and me on the far right)
(just some of the amazing and fun prizes from last year)
Thanks for reading through this and for reading our blog!
Cami, Angie, and Anisa