My parents gave me money for Christmas. So, what do you know, I bought myself a router! Most women would buy clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc.... I buy a router. It's a woodworking tool that I have always wanted. This past week I finally got around to doing something with it. Awhile back I saw
these photo blocks over at
Little Birdie Secrets. I just had to make some of my own!

I basically followed their tutorial... but I have to tell you... I struggle with
Mod Podge. For some reason I always get bubbles and wrinkles. I thought I had them smoothed out perfectly... and I had them displayed on my desk. Then about 5 days later, I noticed that they had started to bubble and ripple. I think that the problem with the pictures was that they were photo paper and not actual prints... but anyway, I was able to peel the paper off the block and start all over. What I ended up doing was using an actual glue to glue the picture on. I used
this glue that my sister in law got at Joann's. I have to say, that I love this glue. It is almost like hot glue in that it dries so quickly and it sticks really well. The picture stayed on great and so far hasn't bubbled up or peeled off. If anyone has any great tips on Mod Podge, I'd love to hear them!!! Please leave a comment.

As you can see, the routed edge is just that extra something that makes the blocks more than just a block of wood. And it made the distressing show up a lot more.

I plan on trying this again with the concept of glueing the picture and paper on and then using the mod podge over the top and seeing how that works. Sometimes crafting is just trial and error. -Anisa