Monday, March 2, 2009

Favorite Brands

I must tell a short story 1st. When it comes to crafting, I had no idea that brand names existed. I had my favorite stores, but I bought paper or fabric because I thought it was cute... I had no idea who made it. That is, until I met Cami. The first time I scrapbooked with her, she said, "Oh, I love that paper. It's Scenic Route. I love their stuff." I was baffled. I literally had never really paid any attention to the fact that there were different brands of paper. So Cami took me shopping and enlightened me. And I definitely have my favorite brands of paper including... Scenic Route, American Crafts, Crate Paper, Basic Grey, etc.
And then I went fabric shopping with my sister-in-law Shauna.  She's a quilter and sewer extraordinaire.  I told her about the types of fabric that I like and she said, "Oh you must love Amy Butler."  It turns out I do!!!  Check out her website.  She has some really great fabric and some fun free patterns! Leave a comment and let me know your favorite brand of paper, fabric, etc.


  1. I think because I am a digi scrapbooker, I don't have a favorite paper. But, I do have favorite designers would that be the same thing?

  2. My favorite fabric designer is Sandi Henderson. She is also known as Portobello Pixie. Google her and you'll see what I mean!
