Friday, January 16, 2009

Open Discussion

So, a cousin of Angie's is holding an awesome charity crop this weekend (and of course, I'm telling you too late, so sorry) and I've spent the week getting geared up for the event. (We'll post some of our favorite pages and cards on Tuesday)
I don't know how many of you are scrapbookers, but you can relate to preparing for a crop if you imagine taking all the supplies you need for any other craft to somewhere other than your DCA (designated crafting area). It's madness! What do you take? What do you leave and not regret it later?
So, if you scrapbook (or don't), how do you prepare for a crop or similar event?
I figure out what pictures I'm going to use then print them.
Then I go through scrapbook magazines for inspiration. I find layouts that match the number of photos I have for each subject.
Then I shop.
Lately, to try and save myself money by avoid impulse purchases, I take my photos to the scrapbook store with me. I did this today and though I could post a craft, I thought it would be more fun to discuss.
If you scrapbook, but don't scrapbook anywhere but your own home, what's holding you back? May be you've never considered going to a crop? May be you think it's too much work?
Angie and Anisa and I went to Scrapbook USA last fall and had such a great time. Nothing like being surrounded by hundreds of people enjoying the same hobby as you.
Huh...I guess that explains Star Trek conventions. Beam me up, Scotty!

1 comment:

  1. I pick out my pictures first and get them printed if needed. Then I go through my paper from home and put it with the paper. Repeat for embellishments. Each layout goes into either a foler or in my album sheet protectors. After that, if I need to still go to the store and get paper/embellishments I do that. Sometimes I'll sketch the layouts before the crop, other times I throw caution to the wind.

    As far as what else to take:
    1. adhesive, adhesive, adhesive
    2. cutting tools
    3. extra ribbon, buttons, and paper flowers
    4. paper embellishements that come on sheets (like stickers, tags, etc.) which are kept in 12 x 12 folders
    5. Alphabet stamps
    6. Neutral colored inks and paints
    7. idea books
    8. Stamps (usually alaphabet stamps.
